Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Baby Names

I may not be able to have a baby for a while, but Sean and I have decided on names. haha.

Liam or Alexander for a boy, and Kathryn for a girl. :-)


Neil said...

good choices

Anonymous said...

So cute! Very nice choices. Doesn't mean you can't dream ;)

Eddy and I have talked about the same. Maybe Jack if it's a boy and Karsen or Lily if it's a girl.

Anonymous said...

Those are great names, and they're unique in that they're not used often but people actually know how to read them. When I think of names for kids I always want to make sure that people (teachers) aren't going to take five minutes trying to figure out how to pronounce or spell it, like they do with our names. Also from experience, I worry about picking a name that is gender specific since people call me Gabriel all the time (my name usually gets cut off on role sheets) which doesn't really bother me now but really did when I was younger; so I guess I should warn you about picking Alexander. Something to think about I guess :)